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Learn the art of building quality relationships and getting the right people interested in you.

  • Master social media to establish strong networks in your areas of interest.
  • Secure meetings to build referrals and endorsements.
  • Build a solid base of contacts through fruitful, information-sharing relationships.
AI Tools Topics : Networking

with William Arruda
Top Ten Social Media Musts
With 79% of hiring managers looking to the web for candidates, it’s imperative to take advantage of social media.… more>>

by Darrell Gurney
10 Executive Keys to Make Connections That Open Doors
It’s important to think differently in order to get doors to open for you along your career path.  Darrell Gurney, a Recruiter and Career Advisor who specializes in Networking, has made his own career encourages you to build your career through connections and relationships, focusing on who you know, not what you know. He also advocates working to get in the back door of a company, as everyone else is trying to get in through the front.… more>>

With Joshua Waldman
Companies Are All a Twitter, and You Should Be Too
Afraid to Tweet?  Don’t be. Learn why Twitter is social media guru and author of Job Searching with Social Media for Dummies Joshua Waldman’s… more>>

With Joshua Waldman
Facebook for Job Seekers:  Set Your Status Update to Happily Employed
We primarily know about and use Facebook to connect socially. But social media guru and author of Job Searching with Social Media for Dummies Joshua Waldman… more>>

With Joshua Waldman
Facebook for Job Seekers:  Set Your Status Update to Happily Employed
We primarily know about and use Facebook to connect socially. But social media guru and author of Job Searching with Social Media for Dummies Joshua Waldman… more>>

with Nathan Perez
The 20-Minute Networking Meeting<br />Video 1: Overview

Networking isn't as tough as you think. In this video, Executive Career Job Search Coach and the author of 20 Minute Networking Meeting, Nathan Perez, summarizes the basics of the “Networking” meeting covering:


with Nathan Perez
The 20-Minute Networking Meeting<br />Video 2: The Five-Step Structure

In this video Nathan Perez walks you through the five simple steps that make up proper job search networking meeting. Nathan Perez also demonstrates the 20 minute networking meeting process with examples.


with Nathan Perez
The 20-Minute Networking Meeting<br />Video 3: Sample Meeting
In the two previous videos in the series, Nathan Perez talked about:
  1. The importance of networking
  2. The steps of a successful networking meeting.